Court Ordered Community Service Program
Thousands of hours a year are volunteered to public nonprofit causes by people who have had run-ins with the law. This program could be a valuable tool for you and the kids in your community by volunteering your time and helping us Send A Kid 2 Camp . Reachout America has come up with a program that not only helps those that have had a slight mishap with the law, but also allows you to give back to the community by working your court ordered hours at a time that fits into your busy schedule. There are many ways that this program can work for you – here are some examples. One way you can help and we will award you with the hours is to organize your own collection campaign like a community car wash, cell phone recycling event or yard sale with the proceeds going to Reachout America/Send A Kid 2 Camp.
- Cell Phone Recycling – Wireless Alliance (Allow 6 months)
- Yard sales (usually fun and easy)
- Calling on businesses
- Car wash
- Put out donation boxes Collection Container Label
- Do professional services for someone for donations (great for short time)
- ETC (anything else you think of, we love new ideas)
For every dollar earned we will calculate the hours of your service to approximately $10.00/hr in monies donated or the amount agreed upon by the probation officer if you have one. Example 1: Organize a cell phone recycling campaign in your neighborhood or at your work. Our recycling center pays between $1 – $60 per phone and also pays the shipping cost. If you collect 30-50 useless cell phones that would otherwise go to the landfill, we will then award you accordingly for your efforts to help the enviroment and your community. Example 2: You have a car wash that earns you $200.00 and you donate that money to Reachout America, we will award you with 20 hours of community service work. And the exciting thing is your hard work is now helping a special kid in your area.
Another way you can help and we will award you with the hours is to place our non-profit collection containers in your area restaurants, convenience stores, beauty salons and any other places that there is medium to high traffic. Once you have established the collection containers in these areas it is easy to follow up from there, all you do is go back and collect the money and turn it in to Reachout America/Sendakid2camp for your credit hours. Of course all placements will have to be verified and you will need to provide us with the following information: the name of the business where the container has been placed, the address of business, the owner or manager’s name, and a contact phone number for the business.
Community service is a valuable tool. The majority of court ordered community service programs hours are logged by juveniles. That’s the way it has always been. Many cases are minor enough to give the offender community service rather than jail time. Community service hours are also used heavily in Teen Court. That’s a volunteer program in which young offenders are sentenced with help from their peers. Upon completion of mandated community service hours, we encourage the participant to download and complete our reflections page. We believe that a reflection is the key to learning from any experience in life. Taking time to think about what one has been through helps the individual to assess their values and life goals. This program is designed to help the non-violent first time offenders stay on the right track while giving back to the community.
There’s a lot of work that is being done for the community ( by offenders sentenced to community service hours) and people just don’t know about it. Many non-profit groups can be helped by using the community service hours that first time offenders are ordered to complete. If you have been convicted of a crime and have been told by the courts that you must perform community service, then consider this program as an option.
Always check with your court liaison or probation officer before you begin your community service to ensure it’s acceptable.